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List installed system packages




Data frame with columns:

  • status. two or three characters, the notation of dpkg on Debian based systems. "ii" means the package is correctly installed. On RPM based systems it is always "ii" currently.

  • package: name of the system package.

  • version: installed version of the system package.

  • capabilities: list column of character vectors, the capabilities provided by the package.


This function uses the sysreqs_platform configuration option, see man_config_link("Configuration"). Set this if pkgdepends does not detect your platform correctly.


#> # A data frame: 10 × 4
#>    status package                  version           provides 
#>  * <chr>  <chr>                    <chr>             <list>   
#>  1 ii     7zip                     23.01+dfsg-11     <chr [2]>
#>  2 ii     7zip-rar                 23.01-4           <chr [0]>
#>  3 ii     aardvark-dns             1.4.0-5           <chr [0]>
#>  4 ii     acl                      2.3.2-1build1.1   <chr [0]>
#>  5 ii     adduser                  3.137ubuntu1      <chr [0]>
#>  6 ii     adoptium-ca-certificates 1.0.4-1           <chr [0]>
#>  7 ii     adwaita-icon-theme       46.0-1            <chr [2]>
#>  8 ii     ant                      1.10.14-1         <chr [0]>
#>  9 ii     ant-optional             1.10.14-1         <chr [0]>
#> 10 ii     apache2                  2.4.58-1ubuntu8.5 <chr [2]>