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It also tries to update the system dependency database, if it is outdated. (I.e. older than allowed in the metadata_update_after man_config_link("configuration option").


sysreqs_db_list(sysreqs_platform = NULL)



System requirements platform. If NULL, then the sysreqs_platform man_config_link("configuration option") is used, which defaults to the current platform. Set this option if .packageName does not detect your platform correctly.


Data frame with columns:

  • name: cross platform system dependency name in the database.

  • patterns: one or more regular expressions to match to SystemRequirements fields.

  • packages: one or more system package names to install.

  • pre_install: command(s) to run before installing the packages.

  • post_install:: command(s) to run after installing the packages.


sysreqs_db_list(sysreqs_platform = "ubuntu-22.04")
#> # A data frame: 124 × 5
#>    name       patterns  packages  pre_install post_install
#>    <chr>      <list>    <list>    <list>      <list>      
#>  1 QuantLib   <chr [1]> <chr [1]> <NULL>      <NULL>      
#>  2 apparmor   <chr [2]> <chr [1]> <NULL>      <NULL>      
#>  3 atk        <chr [1]> <chr [1]> <NULL>      <NULL>      
#>  4 automake   <chr [1]> <chr [1]> <NULL>      <NULL>      
#>  5 berkeleydb <chr [2]> <chr [1]> <NULL>      <NULL>      
#>  6 blender    <chr [1]> <chr [1]> <NULL>      <NULL>      
#>  7 boost      <chr [1]> <chr [1]> <NULL>      <NULL>      
#>  8 bowtie2    <chr [1]> <chr [1]> <NULL>      <NULL>      
#>  9 bwidget    <chr [1]> <chr [1]> <NULL>      <NULL>      
#> 10 cairo      <chr [1]> <chr [1]> <NULL>      <NULL>      
#> # ℹ 114 more rows