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To implement a new keyring that supports multiple keyrings, you need to inherit from this class and redefine the get, set, set_with_value, delete, list methods, and also the keyring management methods: keyring_create, keyring_list, keyring_delete, keyring_lock, keyring_unlock, keyring_is_locked, keyring_default and keyring_set_default.


See backend for the first set of methods. This is the semantics of the keyring management methods:

keyring_delete(keyring = NULL)
keyring_lock(keyring = NULL)
keyring_unlock(keyring = NULL, password = NULL)
keyring_is_locked(keyring = NULL)
keyring_set_default(keyring = NULL)


  • keyring is the name of the keyring to use or create. For some methods in can be NULL to select the default keyring.

  • password is the password of the keyring.

See also

Other keyring backend base classes: backend