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On most platforms keyring supports multiple keyrings. This includes Windows, macOS and Linux (Secret Service) as well. A keyring is a collection of keys that can be treated as a unit. A keyring typically has a name and a password to unlock it. Once a keyring is unlocked, it remains unlocked until the end of the user session, or until it is explicitly locked again.



keyring_create(keyring, password = NULL)


keyring_delete(keyring = NULL)

keyring_lock(keyring = NULL)

keyring_unlock(keyring = NULL, password = NULL)

keyring_is_locked(keyring = NULL)



The name of the keyring to create or to operate on. For functions other than keyring_create, it can also be NULL to select the default keyring.


The initial password or the password to unlock the keyring. If not specified or NULL, it will be read from the console.


Platforms typically have a default keyring, which is unlocked automatically when the user logs in. This keyring does not need to be unlocked explicitly.

You can configure the keyring to use via R options or environment variables (see default_backend()), or you can also specify it directly in the default_backend() call, or in the individual keyring calls.

has_keyring_support checks if a backend supports multiple keyrings.

keyring_create creates a new keyring. It asks for a password if no password is specified.

keyring_list lists all existing keyrings.

keyring_delete deletes a keyring. Deleting a non-empty keyring requires confirmation, and the default keyring can only be deleted if specified explicitly. On some backends (e.g. Windows Credential Store), the default keyring cannot be deleted at all.

keyring_lock locks a keyring. On some backends (e.g. Windows Credential Store), the default keyring cannot be locked.

keyring_unlock unlocks a keyring. If a password is not specified, it will be read in interactively.

keyring_is_locked queries whether a keyring is locked.


#> <keyring backend: ‘file’>
#> Store secrets in encrypted files.
#> system
#>  $get                  query a key from the keyring
#>  $set                  set a key in the keyring (interactive)
#>  $set_with_value       set a key in the keyring
#>  $delete               delete a key
#>  $list                 list keys in a keyring
#>  $has_keyring_support  TRUE if multiple keyrings are supported
#>  $keyring_create       create new keyring
#>  $keyring_list         list all keyrings
#>  $keyring_delete       delete a keyring
#>  $keyring_lock         lock a keyring
#>  $keyring_unlock       unlock a keyring
#>  $keyring_is_locked    check if a keyring is locked
#>  $keyring_default      query the default keyring
#>  $keyring_set_default  set the default keyring
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] FALSE

## This might ask for a password, so we do not run it by default
## It only works if the default backend supports multiple keyrings
if (FALSE) {
key_set_with_value("R-test-service", "donaldduck", password = "secret",
                   keyring = "foobar")
key_get("R-test-service", "donaldduck", keyring = "foobar")
key_list(keyring = "foobar")
keyring_delete(keyring = "foobar")