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unzip() always restores modification times of the extracted files and directories.


unzip(zipfile, files = NULL, overwrite = TRUE, junkpaths = FALSE, exdir = ".")



Path to the zip file to uncompress.


Character vector of files to extract from the archive. Files within directories can be specified, but they must use a forward slash as path separator, as this is what zip files use internally. If NULL, all files will be extracted.


Whether to overwrite existing files. If FALSE and a file already exists, then an error is thrown.


Whether to ignore all directory paths when creating files. If TRUE, all files will be created in exdir.


Directory to uncompress the archive to. If it does not exist, it will be created.


If the zip archive stores permissions and was created on Unix, the permissions will be restored.


## temporary directory, to avoid messing up the user's workspace.
dir.create(tmp <- tempfile())
dir.create(file.path(tmp, "mydir"))
cat("first file", file = file.path(tmp, "mydir", "file1"))
cat("second file", file = file.path(tmp, "mydir", "file2"))

zipfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip")
zip::zip(zipfile, "mydir", root = tmp)

## List contents
#> # A data frame: 3 × 7
#>   filename    compressed_size uncompressed_size timestamp           permissions
#>   <chr>                 <dbl>             <dbl> <dttm>              <octmode>  
#> 1 mydir/                    0                 0 2025-02-02 08:45:30 755        
#> 2 mydir/file1              15                10 2025-02-02 08:45:30 644        
#> 3 mydir/file2              16                11 2025-02-02 08:45:30 644        
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: crc32 <hexmode>, offset <dbl>

## Extract
tmp2 <- tempfile()
unzip(zipfile, exdir = tmp2)
dir(tmp2, recursive = TRUE)
#> [1] "mydir/file1" "mydir/file2"