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Watch the File System for Changes

R binding for ‘libfswatch’, a file system monitoring library. This uses the optimal event-driven API for each platform:

  • ReadDirectoryChangesW on Windows
  • FSEvents on MacOS
  • inotify on Linux
  • kqueue on BSD
  • File Events Notification on Solaris/Illumos

Watching is done asynchronously in the background, without blocking the session.

  • Watch files, or directories recursively.
  • Log activity, or run an R function every time a change event occurs.


Install the current development version of watcher using:


Installation from Source

watcher requires the ‘libfswatch’ library.

  • On Linux / MacOS, an installed version will be used if found in the standard filesystem locations.
  • On Windows, or if not found, the bundled version of ‘libfswatch’ 1.19.0-dev will be compiled from source.
  • Source compilation of the library requires ‘cmake’.

Quick Start

Create a ‘Watcher’ using watcher::watcher().

By default this will watch the current working directory recursively and write events to stdout.

Set the callback argument to run an R function, or rlang-style formula, every time a file changes:

  • Uses the ‘later’ package to execute the callback when R is idle at the top level, or whenever later::run_now() is called, for instance automatically in Shiny’s event loop.
  • Function is called back with a character vector of the paths of all files which have changed.
dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "watcher-example")

w <- watcher(dir, callback = ~print(.x), latency = 0.5)
#> <Watcher>
#>   Public:
#>     initialize: function (path, callback, latency) 
#>     path: /tmp/RtmpcSO6DA/watcher-example
#>     running: FALSE
#>     start: function () 
#>     stop: function () 
#>   Private:
#>     watch: externalptr

file.create(file.path(dir, "newfile"))
#> [1] TRUE
file.create(file.path(dir, "anotherfile"))
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] "/tmp/RtmpcSO6DA/watcher-example/newfile"    
#> [2] "/tmp/RtmpcSO6DA/watcher-example/anotherfile"

newfile <- file(file.path(dir, "newfile"), open = "r+")
cat("hello", file = newfile)
#> [1] "/tmp/RtmpcSO6DA/watcher-example/newfile"

file.remove(file.path(dir, "newfile"))
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] "/tmp/RtmpcSO6DA/watcher-example/newfile"

unlink(dir, recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)


Thanks to the authors of ‘libfswatch’, upon which this package is based:

  • Alan Dipert
  • Enrico M. Crisostomo