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Scan all R files of a project or directory for packages used within them. It parses R code to find library(package), package::func(), and similar calls that imply package dependencies. See details below.


scan_deps(path = NULL, root = NULL)



Files and/or directories to scan. Defaults to the current project, detected by finding the first parent directory of the current working directory, that contains a file or directory called DESCRIPTION, .git, .Rproj.user, renv.lock, or renv. (Note that this is different from renv::dependencies(), which only scans the current working directory by default!)

If path is not NULL, then only the specified files and directories are scanned, the directories recursively. In this case the root argument is used as the project root, to find .gitignore and .renvignore files. All entries of path must be within the root, the project root.


The root directory of the project. It is used to find the .gitignore and .renvignore files. By default the same algorithm is used to detect this as for path. If path is specified and it is not within the detected or specified root, scan_path() throws an error.


Data frame with columns:

  • path: Path to the file in which the dependencies was found.

  • package: Detected package dependency. Typically a package name, but it can also be a package reference, e.g. a package from GitHub.

  • type: Dependency type. It is "prod", "test" or "dev". See 'Dependency types' below.

  • code: The piece of code the dependency was extracted from.

  • start_row: Start row of the code the dependency was extracted from.

  • start_column: Start column of the code the dependency was extracted from.

  • start_byte: Start byte of the code the dependency was extracted from.

Note the data frame may contain the same package multiple times, if it was detected multiple times, e.g. multiple library() calls load the same package.

Detected dependencies

scan_deps() detects package dependencies from these R expressions:

  • library(), require(), loadNamespace() and requireNamespace calls.

  • :: and ::: operators.

  • Any of the calls in this list in R code from R markdown or quarto R and Rscript (case insensitive) code blocks or inline R code.

  • A dependency on the methods package is inferred from finding setClass() and/or setGeneric() calls.

  • xfun::pkg_attach() and xfun::pkg_attach2() calls.

  • pacman::p_load() calls.

  • modules::import() and modules::module() calls.

  • import::from(), import::here() and import::into() calls.

  • box::use() calls.

  • targets::tar_option_set(packages = ...) calls.

  • Any of the calls in this list in R code from glue::glue() strings.

  • A dependency on the svglite package is inferred from ggplot2::ggsave() calls saving .svg files.

  • Dependencies from parsnip::set_engine() calls, the default engine to package mapping is:

    • "glm" -> stats,

    • "glmnet" -> glmnet,

    • "keras" -> keras,

    • "kknn" -> kknn,

    • "nnet" -> nnet,

    • "rpart" -> rpart,

    • "spark" -> sparklyr,

    • "stan" -> rstanarm. You can override the default mapping by setting the renv.parsnip.engines option to a named list.

  • A dependency on the xml2 package is inferred from using the "Junit" reporter (JunitReporter) from the testthat package.

  • A dependency on the ragg package is inferred from setting the default knitr device (dev option) to "ragg_png".

  • A dependency on the hexbin package is inferred from using ggplot2::geom_hex().

  • A custom symbol name to package name mapping can be defined in the renv.dependencies.database option. This must be a named list of named lists, where the outer names are package names, the inner names are function or object names, and the values are package names. E.g.

    options(renv.dependencies.database = list(
      ggplot2 = list(geom_hex = "hexbin"),
      testthat = list(JunitReporter = "xml2")

Dependency types

scan_deps() classifies package dependencies into three groups, based on which files they were found:

  • Production dependencies: "prod".

  • Test dependencies: "test".

  • Development dependencies: "dev".